Monday, January 17, 2011

Gabby The Cat Needs A New Home

A couple of weeks ago I received a call from a friend who lives on a boat at Bluffers Park. When she was out walking her dog in the marina, she saw a cat who was obviously in some distress, crying and looking for help. The next morning we managed to trap this little kitty cat, who was hiding under a shed for shelter and meowing and meowing. She was so hungry, so cold.

She is a darling little brown tabby and white female. She was so thin that I could feel every bone of her backbone, and her little sides were all caved in, and her hip bones were prominent too. And her fur was pretty bedraggled. Poor baby, I guess that we will never know how she got to be where she was. Maybe she was lost first and somehow wandered down there. Or maybe she was tossed out and abandoned by some horrible person, but for sure she had been starving for some time before we rescued her.

In spite of her condition, this is a very affectionate and darling little kitty cat. Purrs when I pick her up. When I first went to see her at the vet, she never stopped meowing at me. I wish that I knew what she was trying to tell me. Anyway, because of that, there was no other name for her but Gabby. You can see her talking away in one of the pictures here, so cute!

Gabby has been at the vet for a couple of weeks now. He estimates that she is about 1 1/2 to 2 years old. She has been putting on a bit of weight, and she has now been spayed, has had her shots, Revolution and Profender, and has had a SNAP test to ensure that she is healthy. Which she is, it was negative. And now Gabby is looking for her forever home, where she can continue to flourish with love and affection and good food.

This is a wonderful opportunity to provide a loving home for a kitty cat who has obviously not have a very happy life up until now. If you can open your heart and your home to Gabby, please contact me at 416 258-5061, or email me at

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