Now all they need is loving homes. Sue Coules, the Helping Homeless Pets volunteer who spearheaded the sale at her Uno Drive home, said neighbours came from all around to give donations to help spay/neuter the cats and get them medical care. "We have picked up 26 stray cats already - 15 adults, mostly female, have been spayed and neutered and we have 11 adorable kittens for adoption," she wrote in an email to The Guardian. "Four of the adult cats are up for adoption also." The 11 kittens that are currently seeking homes include tabby, white, black, and multi-coloured kittens - all about eight weeks old. If interested in adoption, call Tina at 416-358-0083. While much work has already been done, Coules said the rescue group - a joint effort between Helping Homeless Pets, Action Volunteers for Animals and Toronto Cat Rescue - are still in need of more donations to get the remaining cats spayed and neutered and get them much-needed medical care. Anyone able to donate is asked to call Sue at 416-251-5523. Registered charity tax receipts are available for donations over $25.00. Online donations are also accepted at (specifying "Animal Allies" as the rescue to receive donations). Coules said many thanks go out to the staff at Martin Veterinary Hospital, who volunteered to help with the Stray Cat Campaign by looking after 22 cats.
Sue Coules holds three of the 11 kittens that are receiving medical treatment thanks to money raised at a garage sale Coules recently organized. The kittens are available for adoption. Staff photo/NICK PERRY Following the success of a fundraising yard sale last month, Helping Homeless Pets was able to rescue 26 stray cats from the Royal York South area and get them the veterinary care they needed.
Thanks also go out to "the incredible kind-hearted" friends and neighbours who helped or dropped off items to sell on the day of the yard sale, Coules said. "It was truly an uplifting experience and it shows how much can be successfully accomplished when people with big hearts come together," she said.
- Cynthia Reason *InsideToronto
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